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KAG Probs already asked but...

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by kaggit, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Can someone please give me instructions on getting zombies on a sandbox server? so like, having zombies and being able to spawn them but not the actual gamemode?

    I'm sure it is possible coz I've seen it done.

    Any ideas?
  2. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    Just remove any of this files that make the zombie mod a gamemode and thats it. (rules folder)
  3. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Could you please tell me exactly what files to remove? I've tried doing it myself but I always get a error compiling server scripts message when I try to join. :c

    Okay I managed to get rid of the error but now it will only host Take the halls with the mod enabled.

    Would it also be possible to run CTFM034 and Zombies at the same time?
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2015