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Proud to be a new premium member! ( addicted to the game )

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vanguarde, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. Vanguarde

    Vanguarde 'Most Hated' 2013

    Hello all!

    I just want to say that I am proud to be a new premium member! I have been playing video games all the way back to the Atari 2600 and I have a good 26 years of the video game industry. I probably have played several thousand games in my lifetime, across all systems. 2 weeks of playing the free version online is all it took to hook me.

    I truly have to say King Arthur's Gold is one of the rare games that has the 'it' factor. The truly addicting gameplay. It cannot be fully put into words, but one can 'feel' it when they play video games for as long as I have.

    I am eager to see what comes in the updates in the next several months! Zombies sound very exciting! And to the developer, a small word of sage advice from a long time gamer. Don't rush releases! Get it right the first time and do not give into pressure to push something out sooner than you feel comfortable with! In the long run, a solid release history is far more important than appeasing people short term, and then having to do damage control if bugs crop up. :B):

    Thankfully, you seem to know this as shown in the last blog post! I am sure we can all agree that the wait until mid-Feb will be well worth it. And you know what? If more time is needed even after that, it will be worth it for the second the release is out and is very polished, everyone will be in Zombie bliss and the delays will have been forgotten the very second we kill our first Zombie! :p

    Finally, to those who are on the fence about going premium - don't wait! Get it now and see how the game develops over time! There is nothing better than a motivated indy developer!

    - Mike ( Vanguarde in the game )
  2. TheWaywardMoogle

    TheWaywardMoogle Catapult Fodder

    HERE HERE! all this and more my friend. this is a fantastic game and the "it" factor is deffinatly there!
  3. And its only in alpha! It is a wonderful game and hopefully will only get better
    FliesLikeABrick likes this.