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putting custom files into Base/

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by norill, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. there are some cases that putting your files into Mods directory in not enough (like creating game modes). but you might noticed the file CustomFilesWillBeMoved.txt" in Base/ - when you put any custom files there they get moved to Old/ when you start kag. there is a dirty walk-around: let kag move your files, close kag, and copy your files back from Old/ to Base/. next time you run kag it will yell at you, that you shouldn't do that and you are a bad person, but it works.
    Seanshoots likes this.
  2. SnIcKeRs

    SnIcKeRs Bison Rider

    this is asshole way:up:

    Mods directory is ENOUGH for creating game modes(RULES?).
    jerloch likes this.
  3. at least 1 other person had the same problem. so if you found a way to get custom game modes to work in the mod folder - share it and stop being disrespectful.
  4. SnIcKeRs

    SnIcKeRs Bison Rider

    You need to set direct path to your gamemode.cfg and mapcycle.cfg
    Modifed DefaultStart.as example:
        if (getNet().CreateServer())
            LoadRules(  "../Mods/YourMod/Rules/" + sv_gamemode + "/gamemode.cfg" );
            if (sv_mapcycle.size() > 0) {
                LoadMapCycle( sv_mapcycle );
            else {
                LoadMapCycle( "../Mods/YourMod/Rules/" + sv_gamemode + "/mapcycle.cfg" );
    ExampleRules mod with custom rules. Dont foget to set sv_gamemode = myRules and add this mod to mods.cfg file.

    Attached Files:

    FranticIch and norill like this.