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Discussion in 'General Help' started by Jerry, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    I went to post in the sticky above but then saw it was closed.

    I'm just wondering, I saw I had to be registered to play the game once I downloaded it, so I came to the forums here to do so. Am I supposed to get an email with an activation link? Because when I try to log in to play online and I use my username and password from the forums, it says unable to connect to the master server. When I try to browse servers and log in from that menu, it says cannot find anyone with that username...

    Did I get the process wrong or is it the server's problem?
  2. poe

    poe Shopkeep Stealer

    I didn't find an account with your email, mind telling me the name you registered with?
  3. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    I registered under the name Jerry.

    Now I just want to confirm, was I simply supposed to come on the website and register on the forums to have access, or am I supposed to pre-order and pay? All I've done is come and create a forum account, as I thought that was all I needed to play online. ( I know I need to pre-order for sure to get on the premium servers )
  4. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

  5. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    That would be where I went wrong! Thanks for the help!