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Quests Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by HA1TER, Jun 17, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Well,i managed to run the server,but i cant join it...
    The name of server now is "Castle quest" and i just want to test it for tonight.
    Rules are:Find gold(2 blocks) in the middle of the castle.You need them both to win the round!The team NEEDS to work as a team to win!Both teams have only one sack and re-spawn is 8 seconds!Be carefull!

    Thanks to GoldMiner and Furai for big help!
    Yea,you too devs and everyone else,now i made something in my life:)

    Edit:Please,if the maps is not showing good,as it is right now 19.06.2011 9am post it here so i can fix it as soon as possible!
    Edit:Started new map "Archers towers".Dont know if it works or not...Still cant connect to server and host it at same time :S
    Edit:Started server whit CTF and map for it...Feel free to try and post suggestions!
  2. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Not showing in the server list sorry.
  3. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    People are joining.Maybe i was restarting it when you looked...
  4. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Anyone want to join? I joined with 0 people in the server now.
  5. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Saw you on their soullcath, just idling while I wait for more people x3
  6. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Is the map working?
    Any problems?
    I cant see what is happening lol.Players come and go :s
  7. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I don't really get what you have to do. I looked desperately for gold but couldn't find any at all, and 4 people never got in the game at once for me to test it out.. Needs more testing.
  8. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Gold is in the castle.Problem is that i cant join the map to test it out online!
    Offline it works good.All rules and everything.But when people dont post anything i dont know what is happening.
    Does the map have any bugs?
    I joined today from PC on my work and the map was f**d up and i could not restart cause i was alone...
    Until someone figure out why we get globally banned from our own servers i cant tell you anything!
    New maps and quests are made,but they will wait until i get connected!

    EDIT:Map was buged.It should be ok now!You should see a castle in the middle of the map and there should be wall and doors above spawn point!No bags until the round start! 2 players needed in each team!
  9. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    IF you would be so kind,can you invite one more friend so you can test the map?
  10. GoldMiner

    GoldMiner Guest

    I am playing now, but i don't know what to do)
  11. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    You need one more player to start!Read description when you are on server browser!I will join it from another PC in 20 minutes!
  12. GoldMiner

    GoldMiner Guest

    i need 3 players to play)
    Edit 1:2 players in each team
    Edit 2: And i can't found the sack
  13. GoldMiner

    GoldMiner Guest

    You must change something on server options
  14. GoldMiner

    GoldMiner Guest

    In files team1.cfg and team2.cfg "score_limit = 1000" and in gamemode.cfg "new_sacks_in_tent = yes" to no
  15. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Why 1000? I set it to 100% so when you pick up 2 blocks of gold in the middle of the castle you win,right?Sack is there right now,but it is not working...Only 1 sack is at start,later there are more :s but i set it to no for new sacks...Also i have loaded wrong map XD need to change that when i come home...No gold in castle right now heheheh
  16. GoldMiner

    GoldMiner Guest

    On other file. I don't know why, but programm use score limit in other file
    Edit: Maybe because this is no genereted map
    Edit2:Yea, because this nongenerated map
  17. GoldMiner

    GoldMiner Guest

    And pls use gold blocks) That is on example map (KAG\Base\Maps\old.png). Score limit do how you think is better). Maybe delete all gold on map and add gold to castle. But don't forget that gold blocks can be destroyed or gold can lost with dead body
  18. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    I did put it in castle,but didnt change maps in base/maps lol.Now it should write test map in the air whit green blocks if i got it right!!!So if you can see it,gold IS in the middle of the castle and you need both blocks to win!
    Also i will set score to 1000 in both files!

    Edit:It was already set to 1000 in both files!
  19. GoldMiner

    GoldMiner Guest

    if on map haven't enough gold, then game can't be over, because of this you need add all gold and write needed sum. For example, on map 2 usual gold blocks then we need 20 golds to win and score_limit=20
  20. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Yea,i got that right.Was thinking about it ;) But i have problems whit maps now :S They work good when i play offline,but when i start server and i test map from another PC i can see only 2 or 3 types of blocks :l Dont know what is wrong!
    It would be fun if i need to start all over again!
    All colors are from website wiki...
    Will keep tryng to fix it.
    Later i will experiment whit rules!
Mods: jackitch