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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by copper40, Aug 24, 2012.

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  1. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    Server: Action ! Unlimited Classic

    Time: 6:25 PM

    Evidence: Nazism/Racist

    Chat Logs
    [18:26:11] <Radpipe> To NOT make it
    [18:26:14] <BLOW ecbello> hey break this
    [18:26:16] <Radpipe> He can go ahead and make it
    [18:26:22] <BLOW ecbello> thanks
    [18:26:23] <copper40> Radpipe, I don't approve of it.
    [18:26:33] <Panda celuideleon> i dont get it
    [18:26:34] <Radpipe> Should I care about that?
    [18:26:37] <Areo> Well hes an admin...
    [18:26:46] <Radpipe> It's not your server
    [18:26:51] <Radpipe> Someone else is paying for this server
    [18:26:52] New player joined the game
    [18:26:52] Unnamed player is now known as GreenArrow17
    [18:26:53] GreenArrow17 is now known as AAU GreenArrow17
    [18:26:54] <Radpipe> With his own money
    [18:26:57] <Radpipe> Talk to him instead
    [18:27:03] <Radpipe> Cause I can tell you
    [18:27:07] <Radpipe> I'm not gonna do shit about it
    [18:27:08] <norill> radpipe you are retarded
    [18:27:18] <Knight1> lol this is the internet
    [18:27:19] <Radpipe> M'kay
    [18:27:26] [FR] goelland left the game
    [18:27:27] <norill> i dont know who the fuck made you admin, but that was a mistake
    [18:27:36] <Radpipe> Then why don't you leave?
    [18:27:43] <norill> good question
    [18:27:45] norill left the game
    [18:27:46] <Radpipe> In fact the swastika imo is pretty cool
    [18:27:47] <Areo> I dont know what the fuck your doing here if your gonna be retarted norill o.o
    [18:27:49] <Areo> oh
    [18:27:50] <Areo> >:3
    [18:27:52] New player joined the game
    [18:27:52] Unnamed player is now known as hayden1999
    [18:27:52] <Knight1> lol
    [18:27:52] <copper40> good he left
    [18:28:00] <Radpipe> After all
    [18:28:07] <Radpipe> The nazi's were pretty damn awesome
    [18:28:07] <Areo> Hug me bro.
    [18:28:07] New player joined the game
    [18:28:07] Unnamed player is now known as treefirebombghost
    [18:28:07] <copper40> wait what? Radpipe, why would you say that...?
    [18:28:10] <Radpipe> GET AWAY FROM MY HAT
    [18:28:14] New player joined the game
    [18:28:14] Unnamed player is now known as Odysses
    [18:28:16] <Areo> AH HOW DID YOU KNOW
    [18:28:17] <Radpipe> I dun wanna D:<
    [18:28:21] <AAU GreenArrow17> this is an awesome map!!
    [18:28:24] <Areo> JES DA HAT
    [18:28:28] <Odysses> what a nice world
    [18:28:29] <Areo> HAAT
    [18:28:29] <copper40> I don't care if you're admin, that's not acceptable
    [18:28:31] <Radpipe> I don't mean as in I love teh nazi's
    [18:28:33] <Areo> HAAAAAT
    [18:28:35] <Chance> i agree
    [18:28:40] <Radpipe> They simply accomplished shit that others couldn't
    [18:28:45] <Radpipe> Faster than other people did
    [18:28:48] <Radpipe> They should be proud of that
    [18:28:49] <Panda celuideleon> heheh
    [18:28:50] <Knight1> lol
    [18:28:58] <Radpipe> And you're taking offense to something people are proud of
    [18:28:58] <Panda celuideleon> my point, good objectives, bad methods
    [18:29:06] <yousuck247> hey jadoo, bridge here
    [18:29:08] <Areo> Listen up: Stop talking about racisim , Its a fucking swastika , is it gonna kill you to build one?
    [18:29:09] <Radpipe> Now if you don't mind
    [18:29:12] New player joined the game
    [18:29:12] Unnamed player is now known as Quilbo
    [18:29:15] <Radpipe> I'd like to have a fun game
    [18:29:15] New player joined the game
    [18:29:15] Unnamed player is now known as Lukass
    [18:29:19] <Radpipe> Where my mood ISN'T ruined
    [18:29:23] <Areo> HAAAT
    [18:29:24] <Radpipe> AND STOP HUMPING ME!
    [18:29:26] <Panda celuideleon> dont
    [18:29:34] <Areo> Im making your game better radpipe.
    [18:29:35] <Panda celuideleon> forget it
    [18:29:37] <Panda celuideleon> do it
    [18:29:42] <Radpipe> D:<
    [18:29:54] <Areo> Hay bro
    [18:29:56] </v/adolf1488> move
    [18:29:57] <Radpipe> O.o
    [18:29:59] <Areo> xD
    [18:30:00] <Radpipe> Stalker!
    [18:30:04] <Odysses> lol made it
    [18:30:06] </v/adolf1488> MOVE
    [18:30:07] <<HCP>Nahuel> whats wrong'
    [18:30:12] <Quilbo> i died
    [18:30:13] <Areo> :l
    [18:30:15] <Quilbo> falling
    [18:30:15] New player joined the game
    [18:30:15] Unnamed player is now known as MechaTrickster
    [18:30:16] <<HCP>Nahuel> :(
    [18:30:16] <Panda celuideleon> cool
    [18:30:19] <copper40> agrest what was that for?
    [18:30:26] <Quilbo> lol
    [18:30:28] <copper40> *agresf
    [18:30:29] <Quilbo> i am a retard.
    [18:30:31] <Areo> Hay rad , by the way . can you teach me a few admin commands? >:3
    [18:30:35] <Odysses> lag kill lame
    [18:30:36] <Radpipe> lol
    [18:30:38] <AAU GreenArrow17> lolz
    [18:30:50] treefirebombghost left the game
    [18:30:55] <Radpipe> Makes me wonder why you're admin :P
    [18:31:00] <Radpipe> Jk
    [18:31:11] <Areo> ITS NOT LIKED I HACKED IT OR ANYTHING......
    [18:31:12] <Odysses> lol
    [18:31:13] <Radpipe> lol
    [18:31:29] <Radpipe> What commands do ya need to know>?
    [18:31:31] <MechaTrickster> Why'd you just drop that?
    [18:31:41] <<HCP>Nahuel> sorry, because...
    [18:31:42] <Areo> Im having a bit trouble with freezing.
    Comments: I'm not sure if the video is worth it, but Radpipe was being pretty nasty. He stated "The Nazis were pretty awesome" and bragging about how good they were. Actually, they weren't good. Not sure if this is worth a ban, but he is an admin of this server. Maybe someone should talk to him?
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    It's up to server owners. If they find it inappropriate he probably should lose his admin powers. Locking.
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