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Reserved slot for 10-20 seconds after you leave

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by The-Cub, Sep 20, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. The-Cub

    The-Cub I'm actually Blue_Tiger

    Just went to relog to fix my framerate on a server, went to rejoin, and some dickhead stole my spot. Now I have to wait for 20 years to play the game again.

    Either do this, or fix the lag.
    Klokinator and mcrifel like this.
  2. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    Yea this is a good idea because this happens to me 2 sometimes!
  3. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    Not fair to people who are trying to get on the server and are waiting. -1
    norill, yellowwhy1 and StarskyGianni like this.
  4. noname42

    noname42 Shipwright

    Other people can join any other server but if you played on this server for a while you want go back there.
    Klokinator, The-Cub and mcrifel like this.
  5. StarskyGianni

    StarskyGianni Shipwright

  6. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I agree, I think it's a good idea. Some bullshit happens, you get disconnected, try to rejoin a half minute later, and the spot's gone. It's bad enough the recent builds make KAG just randomly crash every now and then, and the fact that Build 1233 "Stalemate Build" make games drag out for two hours every match, but to be heavily invested in a match, have kag crash, and then come back online only to find out the server is full, that's a slap in the face.

    Like, the game could allow others to join, except if it's within that X second/minute grace period of you leaving, you can still join even if the server is full. That would be wonderful.

    Oh come on, now. Don't ask the impossible of the universe. It's not like just wishing and praying will make Google Fiber available worldwide tomorrow.
  7. The-Cub

    The-Cub I'm actually Blue_Tiger

    Over time, the dumbass people who call framedrop/low frames lag have eventually got to me, sorry. I assume relogging to a server will mean all those pointless things on the floor to not be there so why not just remove them all every 5 minutes? Or not have them at all.
  8. yellowwhy1

    yellowwhy1 Catapult Fodder

    It's important to let new people on the server. -1
Mods: Rainbows