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Resolution increasing every time I alt-tab out (bug report)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Ubung, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. Ubung

    Ubung Shipwright

    This is more of a bug report than an actual request for help and this seemed the most obvious category to post this in.

    When playing the game I have it set to fullscreen which sets the resolution at my native res 1920x1080. This is fine, however when i alt-tab out of the game then alt-tab back in the game increases the resolution. The resolution increases every time I tab out and in. I noticed it was doing this when I read the dos box which loads with the game.


  2. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    The Devs are aware of that, although MM told me that he's not sure how to fix it. I hope he does though, since i have this problem too.