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Resolution won't go into 1920x1080?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Dishes, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. Dishes

    Dishes Shipwright

    So I was playing King Arthurs gold maybe not even an hour ago and everything was fine, next time I started it though, I would set it into 1920x1080 full screen, but it goes into 1680x1050 full screen.

    I just got a bigger monitor so I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest, heh. I've reinstalled the game, ran in compatibility mode for XP and Vista, ran as administrator and not as admin, nothing works.

    Anyone having the same problem?
  2. whitejade

    whitejade Shipwright

    I am, also trying to play in 1080p. It worked just fine a few hours earlier.
  3. Dishes

    Dishes Shipwright

    Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem, sucks.
  4. whitejade

    whitejade Shipwright

    There's been plenty of hotfixes for the 262 release today, and I'm sure there's more to come. Besides the resolution 'glitch', my game started crashing randomly, a lot :)
    Djhacker likes this.
  5. xxpabloxx

    xxpabloxx Shopkeep Stealer

    I have problems too, a few before i changed the resolution for check others and now cant play again with 1024x768 cause it changes automatically to 800x600 and the game looks like other :/
  6. Hal

    Hal Shopkeep Stealer

    My game doesn't even run in 4:3, it just crashes. Only 16:9 works.
  7. Djhacker

    Djhacker Bison Rider

    post 1:

    dang, i use to play a big browser. but now that the update has came out i cant re adjust the size of the box, and my fullscreen is blown out of porpotion so i cant use that. This sucks. now i have to play on a little bitty box.

    post 2:

    well mine got fixed, so its all good now

    [edit - Trelawney] Please DO NOT doublepost.
    Hal likes this.