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Revert Settings

Discussion in 'General Help' started by JsF, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. JsF

    JsF Shopkeep Stealer


    I recently changed the controller settings and cant change back. Apparently, the changes are instantly (without any confirmation whatsoever) and as soon as i selected my gamepad controller instead of "mouse" the cursor was frozen in place. I could still click, but it only worked the one time, i could not move the cursor back again. I thought i could use the pad to move the cursor to no avail...

    Is there any place i can change/modify the settings so that i can revert this? Anything like an .inf file or something that i could open with notepad and change the controller settings? Cant play Kag as of now :(

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    Do any of these 3
    1.Uninstall and delete the remaining folder, then reinstall
    2.Go to C:\Users\(Your user name)\KAG
    a.Right click the folder, then choose properties and click the Previous Versions tab, then choose one.
    3.Go to C:\Users\(Your user name)\KAG\Base\Scripts
    look for config.gm and open it with notepad,then delete everything there and copy and paste everything below to it.
    // * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //
    // config variables
    global module = `Game.dll`;
    global configfile = `Scripts/config.gm`;
    global guimainfile = `Scripts/gui.gm`;

    // * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //
    // engine variables (will override autoconfig settings)


    global n_master_ip = `master.kag2d.com`;

    // * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //
    // run commands

    print(`* Config loaded from '`+configfile +`'`);



    if (sv_rconpassword == ``)
    print(`*** RCON password is not set, you won't be able to remotely administrate the server`);

    if (sv_allow_globals_mods == 1)
    print(` ********* WARNING *********`);
    print(`sv_allow_globals_mods is set to 1. This means GLOBAL GUARDS AND ADMINS can administer your server and kick players to help prevent griefing. If you do not accept this, please turn this variable to 0.`);

    print(`Server variables can be changed in Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm (by default)`);

    // * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //
    // * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //
    // * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //// * //
    /// MORE INFO ... ////

    // EDT_NULL 0
    // EDT_SOFTWARE2 2
    // EDT_DIRECTX8 3
    // EDT_DIRECTX9 4
    // EDT_OPENGL 5

    //0 FSL_SS_EAX2,// EAX 2.0 (Direct Sound 3D)
    //1 FSL_SS_DIRECTSOUND3D,// Direct Sound 3D
    //2 FSL_SS_DIRECTSOUND,// Direct Sound
    //3 FSL_SS_NVIDIA_NFORCE_2,// nVidia nForce 2
    //4 FSL_SS_CREATIVE_AUDIGY_2,// Creative Audigy 2
    //5 FSL_SS_MMSYSTEM,// Microsoft
    //6 FSL_SS_ALUT,// ALUT
    //7 FSL_SS_NOSYSTEM// no sound system

    // KEY_LBUTTON = 0x01, // Left mouse button
    // KEY_RBUTTON = 0x02, // Right mouse button
    // KEY_CANCEL = 0x03, // Control-break processing
    // KEY_MBUTTON = 0x04, // Middle mouse button (three-button mouse)
    // KEY_XBUTTON1 = 0x05, // Windows 2000/XP: X1 mouse button
    // KEY_XBUTTON2 = 0x06, // Windows 2000/XP: X2 mouse button
    // KEY_BACK = 0x08, // BACKSPACE key
    // KEY_TAB = 0x09, // TAB key
    // KEY_CLEAR = 0x0C, // CLEAR key
    // KEY_RETURN = 0x0D, // ENTER key
    // KEY_SHIFT = 0x10, // SHIFT key
    // KEY_CONTROL = 0x11, // CTRL key
    // KEY_MENU = 0x12, // ALT key
    // KEY_PAUSE = 0x13, // PAUSE key
    // KEY_CAPITAL = 0x14, // CAPS LOCK key
    // KEY_KANA = 0x15, // IME Kana mode
    // KEY_HANGUEL = 0x15, // IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility use KEY_HANGUL)
    // KEY_HANGUL = 0x15, // IME Hangul mode
    // KEY_JUNJA = 0x17, // IME Junja mode
    // KEY_FINAL = 0x18, // IME final mode
    // KEY_HANJA = 0x19, // IME Hanja mode
    // KEY_KANJI = 0x19, // IME Kanji mode
    // KEY_ESCAPE = 0x1B, // ESC key
    // KEY_CONVERT = 0x1C, // IME convert
    // KEY_NONCONVERT = 0x1D, // IME nonconvert
    // KEY_ACCEPT = 0x1E, // IME accept
    // KEY_MODECHANGE = 0x1F, // IME mode change request
    // KEY_SPACE = 0x20, // SPACEBAR
    // KEY_PRIOR = 0x21, // PAGE UP key
    // KEY_NEXT = 0x22, // PAGE DOWN key
    // KEY_END = 0x23, // END key
    // KEY_HOME = 0x24, // HOME key
    // KEY_LEFT = 0x25, // LEFT ARROW key
    // KEY_UP = 0x26, // UP ARROW key
    // KEY_RIGHT = 0x27, // RIGHT ARROW key
    // KEY_DOWN = 0x28, // DOWN ARROW key
    // KEY_SELECT = 0x29, // SELECT key
    // KEY_PRINT = 0x2A, // PRINT key
    // KEY_EXECUT = 0x2B, // EXECUTE key
    // KEY_SNAPSHOT = 0x2C, // PRINT SCREEN key
    // KEY_INSERT = 0x2D, // INS key
    // KEY_DELETE = 0x2E, // DEL key
    // KEY_HELP = 0x2F, // HELP key
    // KEY_KEY_0 = 0x30, // 0 key
    // KEY_KEY_1 = 0x31, // 1 key
    // KEY_KEY_2 = 0x32, // 2 key
    // KEY_KEY_3 = 0x33, // 3 key
    // KEY_KEY_4 = 0x34, // 4 key
    // KEY_KEY_5 = 0x35, // 5 key
    // KEY_KEY_6 = 0x36, // 6 key
    // KEY_KEY_7 = 0x37, // 7 key
    // KEY_KEY_8 = 0x38, // 8 key
    // KEY_KEY_9 = 0x39, // 9 key
    // KEY_KEY_A = 0x41, // A key
    // KEY_KEY_B = 0x42, // B key
    // KEY_KEY_C = 0x43, // C key
    // KEY_KEY_D = 0x44, // D key
    // KEY_KEY_E = 0x45, // E key
    // KEY_KEY_F = 0x46, // F key
    // KEY_KEY_G = 0x47, // G key
    // KEY_KEY_H = 0x48, // H key
    // KEY_KEY_I = 0x49, // I key
    // KEY_KEY_J = 0x4A, // J key
    // KEY_KEY_K = 0x4B, // K key
    // KEY_KEY_L = 0x4C, // L key
    // KEY_KEY_M = 0x4D, // M key
    // KEY_KEY_N = 0x4E, // N key
    // KEY_KEY_O = 0x4F, // O key
    // KEY_KEY_P = 0x50, // P key
    // KEY_KEY_Q = 0x51, // Q key
    // KEY_KEY_R = 0x52, // R key
    // KEY_KEY_S = 0x53, // S key
    // KEY_KEY_T = 0x54, // T key
    // KEY_KEY_U = 0x55, // U key
    // KEY_KEY_V = 0x56, // V key
    // KEY_KEY_W = 0x57, // W key
    // KEY_KEY_X = 0x58, // X key
    // KEY_KEY_Y = 0x59, // Y key
    // KEY_KEY_Z = 0x5A, // Z key
    // KEY_LWIN = 0x5B, // Left Windows key (Microsoft® Natural® keyboard)
    // KEY_RWIN = 0x5C, // Right Windows key (Natural keyboard)
    // KEY_APPS = 0x5D, //Applications key (Natural keyboard)
    // KEY_SLEEP = 0x5F, // Computer Sleep key
    // KEY_NUMPAD0 = 0x60, // Numeric keypad 0 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD1 = 0x61, // Numeric keypad 1 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD2 = 0x62, // Numeric keypad 2 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD3 = 0x63, // Numeric keypad 3 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD4 = 0x64, // Numeric keypad 4 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD5 = 0x65, // Numeric keypad 5 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD6 = 0x66, // Numeric keypad 6 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD7 = 0x67, // Numeric keypad 7 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD8 = 0x68, // Numeric keypad 8 key
    // KEY_NUMPAD9 = 0x69, // Numeric keypad 9 key
    // KEY_MULTIPLY = 0x6A, // Multiply key
    // KEY_ADD = 0x6B, // Add key
    // KEY_SEPARATOR = 0x6C, // Separator key
    // KEY_SUBTRACT = 0x6D, // Subtract key
    // KEY_DECIMAL = 0x6E, // Decimal key
    // KEY_DIVIDE = 0x6F, // Divide key
    // KEY_F1 = 0x70, // F1 key
    // KEY_F2 = 0x71, // F2 key
    // KEY_F3 = 0x72, // F3 key
    // KEY_F4 = 0x73, // F4 key
    // KEY_F5 = 0x74, // F5 key
    // KEY_F6 = 0x75, // F6 key
    // KEY_F7 = 0x76, // F7 key
    // KEY_F8 = 0x77, // F8 key
    // KEY_F9 = 0x78, // F9 key
    // KEY_F10 = 0x79, // F10 key
    // KEY_F11 = 0x7A, // F11 key
    // KEY_F12 = 0x7B, // F12 key
    // KEY_F13 = 0x7C, // F13 key
    // KEY_F14 = 0x7D, // F14 key
    // KEY_F15 = 0x7E, // F15 key
    // KEY_F16 = 0x7F, // F16 key
    // KEY_F17 = 0x80, // F17 key
    // KEY_F18 = 0x81, // F18 key
    // KEY_F19 = 0x82, // F19 key
    // KEY_F20 = 0x83, // F20 key
    // KEY_F21 = 0x84, // F21 key
    // KEY_F22 = 0x85, // F22 key
    // KEY_F23 = 0x86, // F23 key
    // KEY_F24 = 0x87, // F24 key
    // KEY_NUMLOCK = 0x90, // NUM LOCK key
    // KEY_SCROLL = 0x91, // SCROLL LOCK key
    // KEY_LSHIFT = 0xA0, // Left SHIFT key
    // KEY_RSHIFT = 0xA1, // Right SHIFT key
    // KEY_LCONTROL = 0xA2, // Left CONTROL key
    // KEY_RCONTROL = 0xA3, // Right CONTROL key
    // KEY_LMENU = 0xA4, // Left MENU key
    // KEY_RMENU = 0xA5, // Right MENU key
    // KEY_COMMA = 0xBC, // Comma Key (,)
    // KEY_PLUS = 0xBB, // Plus Key (+)
    // KEY_MINUS = 0xBD, // Minus Key (-)
    // KEY_PERIOD = 0xBE, // Period Key (.)
    // KEY_ATTN = 0xF6, // Attn key
    // KEY_CRSEL = 0xF7, // CrSel key
    // KEY_EXSEL = 0xF8, // ExSel key
    // KEY_EREOF = 0xF9, // Erase EOF key
    // KEY_PLAY = 0xFA, // Play key
    // KEY_ZOOM = 0xFB, // Zoom key
    // KEY_PA1 = 0xFD, // PA1 key
    // KEY_OEM_CLEAR = 0xFE, // Clear key
    // TILDE 0xc0
  3. JsF

    JsF Shopkeep Stealer

    Doing the 2nd option didnt work (dont have any other versions available). The 3rd did restore the settings, apparently, but the pointer image does NOT move. The "mouse", however, does... i can click but i cant see where the mouse is or where i am clicking so its like using a blind cursor, the pointer image seems to be stuck in the center... if that makes any sense.

    Guess i would have to reinstall... which i didnt want to :S

    Stupid bugs...

    Anyways, thanks for the help!

    EDIT:So that did not help either (reinstalling). I do not know what is going on with the game, but the pointer will not move. I still can move the mouse, as i mentioned, but cant do anything without knowing where the mouse is at... Any ideas anyone?

    EDIT2: after trial and error i finally was able to go through settings and selected "mouse" again under the "controller" settings. Doing this made the cursor "active" again and everything was working to normal...

    What i dont see working now are the servers, or any online content (news when launching the game) xD
  4. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    That's because you reinstalled, go to KAG/App and remove your version.txt