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Screen problem

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Suora, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Suora

    Suora Catapult Fodder

    Whenever i go to my desktop while the game is open and open the game again the screen seems "pushed down" and the top of the screen is covered by bright blue. It wouldn't be much of a issue if it came only when i choose to back out myself but the game throws me to my desktop really often now so i can't really play :(

    Looks like this: Untitled.jpg

    P.S. Thanks for an awesome game. I've never bought a downloadable game for my PC before but for this I just had to do it. btw I'm aiming to be a gamedev myself sometime in the future :)
  2. AgeOfMe

    AgeOfMe Shopkeep Stealer

    Try changing the game resolution, and if that doesn't work, change your screen resolution.
    Beef likes this.
  3. Suora

    Suora Catapult Fodder

    Got no problem when having the game with the same resolution as overall resolution. Thanks for the help :)
    Though i still have to change my overall resolution every time I'm gonna play, but now I can play without interruptions!
    Thanks :)