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Discussion in 'General Help' started by BlueLuigi, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Currently I'm using a 32" monitor in 1920x1080 resolution. When the resolution was being scaled to 1024x768 or something it looked terrible, so looking around I found out how to edit autoconfig file to change it to 1920x1080 and this helped, a lot, got rid of any problems alttabbing as well.

    However, the text is quite small and the things like the builders menu are very annoyingly small too, like crazy small!

    So is there a way for me to make these things bigger? I also can't zoom in more than one level when in this large state, I enjoy zooming in when playing knight.

    While on that subject, is it possible to set the builders item to just change with the numpad, there are 9 items, it fits perfectly.
  2. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    did you try to play whit these?
    global g_smallhud = 0; // Uses smaller HUD scaling.
    global c_dimension_x = 1; // Width of console in percents of screen.
    global c_dimension_y = 0.9; // Height of console in percents of screen.
    global c_bgshow = 1; // Draws background of console.
    global c_fontfile = `GUI/Fonts/commodore.png`; // Sets the font file of the console.
    global c_bgcolor_a = 255; //
    global c_bgcolor_r = 11; //
    global c_bgcolor_g = 24; //
    global c_bgcolor_b = 147; //
    global c_fontcolor_a = 255; //
    global c_fontcolor_r = 109; //
    global c_fontcolor_g = 136; //
    global c_fontcolor_b = 237; //
    global c_linespacing = 1; // Space between lines in console.
    global c_indent = 1; // Left indentation of messages in console.
    global c_key = 36; // The key for opening and closing the console.
    global c_prompt = ``; // Sets the command prompt text.
    global c_history_size = 20; // Number of console commands stored in history.
    global c_halign = 2; // Horizontal alignment of console 0-left, 1-center, 2-right.
    global c_valign = 0; // Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
    global cc_dimension_x = 0.41; // Width of console in percents of screen.
    global cc_dimension_y = 0.09; // Height of console in percents of screen.
  3. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I haven't. That's pretty neat, I'll cheeck them out.