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Server always crashes at some point - no idea why

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by HardPenguin, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    At some point my server is always crashing. Or maybe more like hanging. All people currently playing get kicked, server disappears from server browser, but it doesnt literally crash. It just hangs and needs to be killed manually from this point.

    GDB output is here:

    Halp plx.
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    is it using 100% of your CPU power when it hangs?
  3. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Noes. Far to that. I didnt check but this is friend's VPS machine and I use only one of few accounts there. And besides that one server I host 4 other game servers. They would be dead if that single hang would use 100% of CPU.
    </br>--- merged: Dec 12, 2012 2:44 PM ---</br>
    Bump this.
  4. Ulthuanelf

    Ulthuanelf Shark Slayer

    Does it happen on a certain map, maybe? We -Robinskie and I- had that with one of the maps on our server. (But that disconnected everyone. So it didn't "hang".)
  5. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    I use map generators, and sometimes it is able to run the whole mapcycle few times so I doubt so. Actually yes, it disconnects everyone (and the server isnt responsible later).
  6. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Please set sv_tcpr=0 and tell me if it still crashes. Also please share the gdb backtrace from more of these crashes so I can look for patterns
  7. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Actually it stopped crashing for now after setting sv_tcpr=0 (like 2-3 days already). Thanks for hint!

    @FliesLikeABrick, would you still like me to make some crashes with sv_tcpr enabled (running via GDB of course) for debugging purposes?