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Server Bad-Packet Error + CallBack API Error

Discussion in 'General Help' started by XxSpeedDemonxXx, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. XxSpeedDemonxXx

    XxSpeedDemonxXx Speed-Demon Donator

    Hello, I just decided to set up a server(at my house), and I joined it using my localhost It worked fine, but I noticed in the console it said:

    Warning: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()
    Warning: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putMiniMapPNG()

    I didn't look at it as a big deal, it was just a warning. It got annoying though since it spammed, but when people tried to join, it said "error bad-packet" and right before that, it said "recvd security" or something. I tested my ipv6 and ipv4 and got:
    ipv4: 10/10
    ipv6: 0/10

    I got this warning as well: An issue was encountered while detecting the server's external ipv4/ipv6 addresses.(in the console)

    I re-installed it 5 times and tried messing with the config's sv_ip and sv_ipv6, though it never seems to work. I also port forwarded port 50301 on UDP/TCP on my Belkin router, and made 2 ports on my firewall; both with 50301; one UDP and the other TCP. Can someone please help me resolve this issue?
    </br>--- merged: Oct 2, 2012 9:13 PM ---</br>
    Looks like I'm stuck solving this on my own lol.
    </br>--- merged: Oct 3, 2012 1:45 AM ---</br>
    Most likely it's a bug.
  2. Peterpiper

    Peterpiper Catapult Fodder

    dont worry demon ill ask people i know to HELP you:) the ones that succeded on making there servers I know ALOT
  3. XxSpeedDemonxXx

    XxSpeedDemonxXx Speed-Demon Donator

    Im getting support on IRC.
  4. Peterpiper

    Peterpiper Catapult Fodder

    speed demon did you send me a conversation YET?
  5. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    //mod break//
    Get on-topic. (deleted ~10 posts..)​
    He is getting help on IRC, I recommend you contacting FliesLikeABrick. Post here if you have a solution.​