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Server Browser not responsive enough

Discussion in 'General Help' started by enjoyaol, May 18, 2012.

  1. enjoyaol

    enjoyaol Shark Slayer

    Hi !
    I'm not sure this is the correct section to post that in. However, I have an issue that bothers me a little, and I think many people have it. The server browser has one big issue : when you click on a server, it doesn't update the mini-map, the number of players, etc.... It works half of the time, but this is annoying because when you try to join a big server, most of the time you end up trying to join a full server (and you had no way to know that, since the server info window, on the right of the server list, was not updating).

    Is there a plan to fix that ?
    Thanks and keep up the good work !
    Creille likes this.
  2. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    Yeah this could probably have been posted in Suggestions/idea's :)
    I also get so annoyed at this trying for ages to join a server only to realise that it's full >:( also I hate I't when I'm trying to see if my servers up and how many people are on it but it's not showing it! :P

    *also good first thread straight forward and to the point :)
  3. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    All of the server browser code is going to get 100% replaced soon (I can't give an exact time) - at that time these kinds of issues should be resolved but if they aren't I'll fix them and implement some suggestions like this
    Creille likes this.