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Server Config Help

Discussion in 'General Help' started by pozo15, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. pozo15

    pozo15 Guest


    I started hosting a server via HostedGameServers.com, and was wondering if changing certain settings were possible, and if so, where. Here are the settings I am wondering about:

    -Toggle bombs killing friendly players
    -Toggle Catapult killing friendly players
    -Kick player if ping is too high

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You need to edit the file:
    and (if the variable is there)

    global sv_maxping = 350;
    global sv_maxping_warnings = 300;


    what interests you is:

    attackdamage_modifier = 0.5
    falldamage_modifier = 0.0
    friendlydamage_modifier = 0.0
  3. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    If you can be so kind.
    Is there a way to:
    1.Set what characters can be in game(for some maps only archers,or only knights etc.)
    2.Remove bombs from knights.(they can be in game,but have no bombs)
    3.Switch desired maps and rules for each of them(i made maps for quests but i need to change them and rules manually)

    Also i cant join my server from PC that i am hosting(i get banned but can see the map and players for a second)and when i try to join over IP from another pc whit rcoon password,connection cant be made!Over server browser i connect and i type sv_rconpassword mypassword but it does nothing and when i type rcon my password it says it is ok but still cant restart or do anything on it :s
    This would help me a lot if you could help!
  4. pozo15

    pozo15 Guest

    Thanks MM! Nothing like help directly from the Dev!

    One thing though:
    You mention "global sv_maxping = 350;" which does not exist in my config.gm.
    I would imagine that I can just add that line of code?

    Thanks again!
  5. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    @pozo15: It's in dedicated_autoconfig.gm