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Read this first! Server Directory Rules [Read before starting a new thread]

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by trelawney, Mar 4, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    a) Be as informative as you can.
    Minimum info: Server name as it appears in the browser, number of slots, gamemode, server location.
    Suggested info: Pingkick warning and high limits, Global Moderation on/off, Unlimited units or specific number of units.

    b) By creating a new topic to promote and publicise your server you are obliged to personally address Ban Appeals or general grievances from the public.

    c) Threads that do not provide the minimum info requested in (a) will be deleted as spam. If you can't make the effort to type a few lines, don't bother starting a new thread. It's simple really.

    That is all for now, I will update the topic in due course.

    P.S this is not supposed to be retroactive, I'm laying down the rules for 2012 so to speak...

    Update 2012-03-04: Ban appeals should ideally be civil and to-the-point, not longwinded flaming sessions. If you have things to say about particular admins, you're encouraged to send a private message (or 'start a conversation' in xenforo-speak) to/with the host themselves.
Mods: jackitch
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