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KAG Server disconnecting players occasionally.

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by mdk, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. mdk

    mdk Catapult Fodder


    I bought the game yesterday and hosted a server for me and my friends. I only made a few small changes to the config files such as server name, password, admin password etc. While playing on the server people occasionally disconnect. The disconnecting is only happening to other people in the server and not me even though it's a dedicated server. I don't have a clue what is causing it.

    I have a very stable 100/100 Mbit/s internet connection. Servers for other games have worked very well.
  2. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Are your friends being kicked, or is it randoms joining the server? It could be a ping ban, if they are connecting from say Australia and your server is hosted in Germany. It should say they've been temp banned in the console. Next time someone is kicked randomly, hit the "Home" button and use page up and page down to scroll through the console to find out why they left/disconnected.
  3. Rooslin

    Rooslin Catapult Fodder

    Are you running a windows or Linux server?

    I increased the size of my windows server and have been having a lot of disconnecting on it as well don't know if that's the cause though
  4. Doc22

    Doc22 Builder Stabber

    All right. I will look in console.

    Rooslin: I am running windows, as I stated in title with prefix.

    But now I am having another problem... At about 27 people, my server hits massive lag for everyone. Ping jumps up to like 600 for everyone, and I have no idea why.

    My server's cpu usage is below 20%, RAM usage at 50%, and networking usage below 50%. I have no idea why it would be lagging at all.
  5. Microsoft

    Microsoft Catapult Fodder

    What type of CPU is it? With 27 people almost all CPU will be over 20%. If its like that then we will have servers over 100 people.

    Can you provice us with the specs of the server?
  6. Doc22

    Doc22 Builder Stabber

    3.6 Ghz Quad Core (8 core hyperthreading) Intel i7-3820 cpu,
    16 GB G-Skill 1866Mhz RAM (The good stuff)
    100 Mbit NIC, 10/100/1000 Network Switch. 1-2% usage at max.

    I have a good server. It is not a problem with the server. My server runs KAG servers with about 2-10% addition to CPU usage. I have looked into it more: http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/66860191083/read-if-you-have-lag-in-a-game

    It is apparent that the game will not become any more stable any time soon, and no amount of hardware can fix this. I guess I'll lower the player count until it is 100% lag free.

    20 players seems like a reasonable balance between lag and large games.