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Server List don't have any users :(

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Cubox, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Cubox

    Cubox Shipwright

    On Browse game, i don't have any players. All servers are empty.

    I just have buy the game, and don't have any head too.

    Hope you understand my problem, sorry for this short message, i'm on my phone.
  2. Pyrowiz

    Pyrowiz Shipwright

    Hmmm... sounds like firewall settings to me. I used to have a similar problem with the Age of Chivalry mod of Team Fortress 2. All servers showed as empty or non-existent until I allowed a few things in the firewall settings.
  3. Cubox

    Cubox Shipwright

    Oh, but on my anciant system (debian) all works. Now, i'm on Ubuntu 11.10. I don't have any firewall, but i will test with my vpn.
  4. Cubox

    Cubox Shipwright

    Nothing new, with vpn too
  5. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    • You sure you are using the latest build 203?
    • Did you add the gift code you got via mail to kag2d.com?