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Server list not loading

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by s0m3dud3, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. s0m3dud3

    s0m3dud3 Catapult Fodder

    Hello guys
    I purchased KAG and played a few games then one day no servers would load, i searched over the net and doesnt look like anyone elsse has the problem i have. i have uninstalled, reinstalled and repair installation and nothing works. any one have any ideas on how to fix?
  2. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    What build does it say you have?
    Open kag and see what it says in the bottom right corner.

    Try disabling any antivirus or firewall and see if that fixes it.
  3. s0m3dud3

    s0m3dud3 Catapult Fodder

    engine (Build 422 V 0.95A) King Aurthur's Gold (build: 428 version: 0.91A)
  4. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    yeah it should be build engine 580 , kag 590
    1.Uninstall kag
    2. Delete the kag folder if its still there
    3. go here http://kag2d.com/en/download
    4. install
    Downburst and s0m3dud3 like this.
  5. s0m3dud3

    s0m3dud3 Catapult Fodder

    Ahhh that solved it, didnt think that the files wouldnt be deleted after i uninstalled it. Wonder why it didnt update but owell
    Cheers alot :D
    Downburst likes this.