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Server problems

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Bart-, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. Bart-

    Bart- Catapult Fodder

    When I tried to join a server yesterday, i was the only person playing on it, couldn't do much, it said: "need two more players" i was still in building mode.
    I got that today, too, and on almost every server, highly populated (because its on the top of my list) or not.
    Only some servers, which i dislike because of the language or whatever, do have people...

    Im pretty sure this is a bug, or everyone should have quit KAG...

    Do you guys have (had) this too?
    How can i fix this?

  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    This shouldnt happen.Can you put kag logs and screenshots of players currently on those servers please.
  3. Bart-

    Bart- Catapult Fodder

    Thats the problem, there are no players on the server, iit says.
    Fixed it though, to all others having the issue: just reinstall kag and your fine.