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Server Specs?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by the9thdude, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. the9thdude

    the9thdude Shipwright

    I'm looking to turn a computer of mine into a KAG server but I'm not sure what kinds of specs would be needed for a 12v12 server. If anyone has any ideas and would be willing to post them; it'd be much appreciated!
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    A good,stable connection to the internet is all you need (low latency, considerable bandwidth) to accommodate 24 players.
    CPU usage is not that high (judging from my servers) so anything post-Pentium III should do.
    RAM is not affected by the number of players as such, but by the size of the maps you'll be hosting (i run 150x150 tiles in 128mb ram and i could possibly go lower)