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Server Swapping/Crashing

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by wudozet, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. wudozet

    wudozet Shipwright

    I have a 512MB Linode that I run a personal portfolio site on, and decided to try out hosting a server for this since my site uses very little resources atm. Yesterday I was running a server named Rapid CTF, was having a blast, but last night while I was playing my server started swapping. I should have checked on my server a bit more often but I was enjoying the game a little too much I guess, but the last time I checked it was using about 100MB~ of RAM, next time I checked it was into swap. Any idea what could have caused it to use so much RAM? It's a 16 player server with a pretty tiny map, I think it's 126x100.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Memory leaks are pretty common , it's after all a game still in alpha :eek:. I'm lucky enough to have no swap, so the worst case scenario is a crash (and automatic restart). Perhaps look into utilising specific ulimit to reduce the maximum amount of RAM a server process can use.