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[Server][Windows]Solving a problem with server

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by beater_90, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. beater_90

    beater_90 Catapult Fodder


    I'm trying to set up a server for a LAN in 1 week.
    But I can't make it start properly.

    I get some warning. I have tried to search my problem on the forum, but I found no good response to my problem.

    Here are the warning I get in the log:
    WARNING: An issue was encountered while detecting the server's external IPv4/IPv6 address(es): Unexpected HTTP Status (expected 200): 303
    WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()
    WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putMinimapPNG()

    When I let the server run, it pop the warning "WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()" every 15-20 seconds.

    I have open the port my router too and I am running the server on my computer.
    Almost all config are on default.
    And I use a KAG Server Configuraion Tool.

    Ty in advance for the help.

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