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[Server][ZF] Additional Players Don't Spawn?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Ekkehard, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. Ekkehard

    Ekkehard Catapult Fodder

    I've been looking around and don't seem to see anything which could point out how I may have messed up...

    So, I am hosting a server over Hamachi and I am hosting Zombie Fortress with a friend, however, when one of us enters the server we spawn, along with NPC escorts if that is the case. However when the second person joins they only have an overview of the map and when the additional person (the second one) tries to spawn it says something along the lines of player spawn depleted, though only for the first few key strikes.

    I'm positive it has to do with the configuration, players aren't spawning on the zombie side as some bugs and issues relate to and the other modes such as TDM work perfectly fine.

    Any help would be grand, thanks!


    Okay, so, pretty much any players joining after the first can only spectate regardless of if the match ends, restarts, etc. I know I must be missing the silver lining or something, just need someone to point it out.. >> I'll check in tomorrow morning to see if anything is posted. Again, it is only Zombie Fortress..