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Servers admin?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by HA1TER, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Hy all,maybe wrong place to post but i`l try...
    Well i must say that i hate when some stuff goes crazy(stealing bags,destroyng peoples work etc.) in your own team...
    So...if anyone want i can go and check servers if everything is OK!Report players,try to calm them down,kick them,1 hour ban or similar!
    Geti knows me(somewhat) and i would really like to help out stoping the thing when some (sry on this word) idiot start to act like an...well...idiot!
    I could make sure that rules are folowed for each server(if you give me some permision).
    Also i can post every name and reason for punishing someone!
    I play atleast 5-8 hours a day(dont ask,boring at work...Boss in a rent a car company XD) so i change servers a lot and see lots of stuff.Well,player King for example...He doesent get kicked even after 20 times on 5 different servers...Also Asshole,SP2 etc.
    Sry on my poor English!
    Contact me at garo080@hotmail.com or hater.hated@gmail.com!