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Shield Surfing

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by mcrifel, Sep 23, 2014.


Good idea?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    4 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    I think the devs should change something about shield surfing. I love the idea but its just never used because you can only do it to bounce once or twice. You should actually be able to surf with your shield in my opinion. Maybe for like 10 seconds and not 2 bounces. I think it will change water fights and it is just a little feature I have always wanted.

    What do you think?
  2. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Actually, I think knights shouldn't be able to swim at all. That would make boats more valuable (and come on, there isn't that many maps with tons of water).

    EDIT: Why did I vote 'maybe', then?
    PinXviiN and Fernegulus like this.
  3. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    I like your idea about knights not being able to swim, it would make everything more realistic but there is one problem and that is that there exist maps with a lot of small bodies of water and that is then very irritating if knights (and maybe the other classes) cant swim. However on the other side people can make bridges with wood. Yea I like your idea!
  4. Malitha

    Malitha Shipwright
    1. SIEGE Clan - SIEGE

    Knights not being able to swim? #stalematefest2014.
    Seriously, that would be a massive stalemate inducer as if the massive land vs water combat advantage wasn't bad enough.
    Also about the 'bridges over water' thing, I'm pretty sure at least one or two fire arrows would be able to take that out.
    AmestriStephen and Dargona1018 like this.
  5. we had bad swimming in kag before. needless to say, it sucked.

    regarding infinite shield skipping: "too strong"
  6. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I think that the main thing that really screwed up water-surfing is that it is the same as land-surfing.
    Those should be two very different things.

    With land, you hit the ground and bounce again. On water, you hit the water and bounce again.
    But, with water not being solid, you can't bounce again.

    Overall, water is so worthless and buggy that it isn't even worth it. It has turned into more of a novelty than anything.
    I mean, you can't shield-surf, you can't get out of water without being near land (even if there is a tile right above you that you are trying to reach, you spend, like, 5 minutes trying to get the slash and the movement right to be able to get out), Archer grapples are kinda wonky in water too, and builders NEVER use the damn buckets. Other than water ammo, I don't think water maps should really be a thing.
  7. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Classic master race 2014
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  8. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    I just want surfing to be used more and boats. And if there is a water map it should be one big lake/ocean instead of multiple. If you cant swim then boats will be used more which is a good thing cause I love warship battles but it never happens because barely any people make them. They are only used as place to spawn. With a bunch of thinking I think it could be a fun feature.

    But I am getting of topic, I think there should be no land surfing and a 3 second water surf or something along those lines.
  9. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Land surf is one of the things which make knight battles fun and intense. Don't remove that, please.
  10. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    i feel like that's not the path to balance
  11. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    This is a bad idea, archers and builders would have no chance to escape in water if this was the case.
    jokeman8454 likes this.
  12. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    He has a point... land shield surfing does make sense at all... except if the ground is glazed with lubricant or the shield is, and seeing you on the forums before you like yourself a realistic game. So why do you think this?
    Anonymuse likes this.
  13. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    1) Knights used to have infinite shield surf in Alpha. It was removed, so clearly the devs got their chance to see if they liked it, and they decided they didn't.
    2) Knights are already incredibly capable in water. Heck, they can move faster than Archers can while swimming, thanks to the slash velocity trick.
    3) Water is becoming less commonly used in most maps because the general populace doesn't like it. We don't need to worry about water-related changes atm.
    4) Even in maps with lots water, boats are undervalued. A change like this would practically make them obsolete.
    5) Land surfing is there to enable Knights to move faster on flat ground, and additionally it's a fun and harmless feature. Removing it on the grounds of realism (an argument that never, EVER works when making suggestions for this game) is, to be perfectly blunt, foolish.

    tl;dr - Don't change anything.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
    Guro and Klokinator like this.
  14. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    so why do I have to die? for having my opinion? Kids nowadays...
  15. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Grab a chicken if you want to outran knights as archer or builder in water. :thumbs_up:
  16. I don't think one more unrealistic thing is going to hurt the game it's fun and water fighting is somewhat interesting and I don't think anything is wrong with that mechanic, knights shouldn't be more mobile in water then they are now.

    So what if a shield surf doesn't make sense?
    I dislike the people who look to put straight up reality in a game
    So can a boulder lug around a boulder and smash people?
    Can a single spike just instakill everyone?

    Really shield surfing is not a problem and it should not be changed.
  17. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    Who tries to make KAG realistic?
  18. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    All I want to see is a little better water surf and some way to make boats more useful.
  19. Ozminer

    Ozminer Bison Rider

    When was KAG meant to be realistic like we already have massive exploding Bolts and gunpowder was new
  20. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    I don't want to make the game realistic I just want a couple water features like better shield surfing.
Mods: Rainbows