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Single Player, Free Zombies?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Tiruin, Apr 13, 2012.

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  1. Recently, I just discovered that I could enter the zombie fortress mode. Even as a free player!

    Strangely, searching the forums and checking the update logs, I see nothing about the release of such to those who aren't premium.

    Tried a couple of games or so, before coming to the conclusion (that was stifled by the fact that it is Friday the 13th at my current +8 GMT time): It must be a bug.

    Can anyone fix this on my account (however much I'd like to play it) as when I asked others about the fact, they could not do the same.
  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

  3. Well, finally learned how to upload pictures.

    Did some monologuing.

    I, too, like pie.

    ((About the other evidence, this is all I could scrap, as I have no idea how it occurred to me. I do not hack. X3 ))


    And...done! Complete with overused ellipses!

    Edit: Restarted PC, restarted KAG. Still present at the current time of editing. [15 minutes after post occurrence]

    Edit: Full access to powder kegs, boulders and the like.
  4. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    All you did was install KAG, or did you mess around in the files?
  5. dyersEve

    dyersEve Builder Stabber

    Actually, when I still had a free account, I would play the Zombie Fortress mode without a PACC too, I didn't know the forums yet.
    So yeah, OP's KAG client is probably legit.
  6. I did not install any third-party software, nor did I install KAG. The download (which I guess is what is meant) was there for a long time (~one and a half month). I've been an active player in the said time and only yesterday (April 13,2012) was when I saw access to the Zombie Fortress for me. Every other time was denied (premium only).

    I did not mess with the files and even if I knew how to, I would not.

    Edit: PACC?
  7. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    give him a cookie for discovering this, and a slap in the face for telling the staff!

    Bro, you got lucky like noone else!
    Froghead48 likes this.
  8. There have been a few accounts of this. Others have been using it as well. I know about 3 free players that play zombies off the top of my head. I guarantee Tiruin, being a good friend of mine, didn't tamper with any files. Anyway, tampering with files to get zombies then reporting it defeats the purpose of messing with the files in the first place :P
    fishfinger73 likes this.
  9. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    In fact, its very clever: peole wont think that he'd have cheated, if he'd tell everyone.
    the problem is that this can be used to say that he's not cheating too,
    so with this in mind, the only possible conclusion, is that tiruin is a genius.
  10. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I reproduced this, it only works in the public version though. Doesn't it crash though?
    BlueLuigi and crawfish like this.
  11. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Where did you download KAG from?
  12. Downloaded the client from the KAG download link. The one that constantly updates with the patches.

    Oh, and happy birthday KAG!

    Edit: It does not crash, works perfectly (survived 13 days consisting of archers and lantern skeleton zappers)

    I did not tamper with anything, files, client, profile...None.

    Beaster is telling the truth. I wouldn't lie about any of this.

    Edit II: http://kag2d.com/en/download

    Same client updating for ~2 months now.

    Edit III:
    No. I don't resort to logical fallacies. X3
  13. Mikej99

    Mikej99 Tree Planter

    I know why you got it!!! if someone with premium version loggs into your acconut you get zombies and editor!!! It happen to my bro as well!!!
    But when an updata comes out zombies and editor will go away, but sometimes comes back later
  14. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    That's just pointing out that it happens (which we all know) it's a pretty pointless comment if you just say that it happened to you.
  15. Hm, thanks for bumping this. I can confirm that it is now fully fixed in the new patch (which states this implicitly). Back to being zombie-less. :)
    Rayne and Kagesha like this.
  16. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    The people that this happened to won't be so happy.
    fishfinger73 and GHOZT like this.
  17. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Without good reason - it's not like they're losing something they paid for :)
    BeasterDenBeast likes this.
  18. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    That's true, nevertheless they still won't be happy.
    GHOZT likes this.
  19. fishfinger73

    fishfinger73 Haxor

    Lol, I gave my copy of KAG to my friends (because they are just too lazy to download it) and they came across zombie fortress (they played it like hell). Then came build 370 and ruined it :). They accused me of hacking the files :D. I dunno why they are so stupid.

    They are not happy without zombie fortress :D.
    Stevedog likes this.
  20. Er, I'd like to report once more, in the 370 build, that I can log in and play zombies in the solo mode. Again.

    BUT, I've noticed a difference upon client open. Before,
    As of this post, the option was greyed out (cannot play). Just now, it was colored (can play).

    Also, I've noticed at start-up after clicking Play, the appearance of multiple entries (how are they called?) related to zombie mode like "wraithfly", "zombie_knight" or "cavern_creatures" and the like. Guessing this was related to the solo mode, I checked and...there we have it.

    The bug has returned, unfortunately. :(

    Edit: Offline Mode seems to permit zombie mode, also.
    SinZero likes this.
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