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single player stopped working

Discussion in 'General Help' started by seanybabes, Apr 3, 2012.


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  1. seanybabes

    seanybabes Base Burner

    hey guys my single player has stopped working does anyone know how to fix it and has this happened to anyone else cause i wanna play zombies but it will not work

    //edit from Kouji: Moved to help, try posting in the right section next time.
  2. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    hey seany, by stopped working do you mean it crashes when you enter zombie fortress? or can you enter it and nothing happens?
  3. seanybabes

    seanybabes Base Burner

    just nothing happens
  4. ConmanMC

    ConmanMC Catapult Fodder

    I've had tons of problems with it as well. It seems to crash after about 10 minutes, or nothing happens when I enter, or it wont spawn a party member....
  5. seanybabes

    seanybabes Base Burner

    yer mine did that but then stopped but now when i click it it sinks in but just doesnt do anything like its not responding