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slash through blocks

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Landoo2, Aug 31, 2013.

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  1. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Category: KAG Client
    Operating System: Windows xp
    Build Number: 866
    Description: :knight::door::teabag: if a knight slashes in blocks, and after that blocks, there is an other player, the slash hurts the player behing the blocks... so slash goes through the blocks
    Irunfold likes this.
  2. GangstaWarlock

    GangstaWarlock Builder Stabber

    I have only observed this vertically, and it seems somewhat unpredictable.
  3. Irunfold

    Irunfold Builder Stabber

    The thing is that it happens in a lot of places, you can slash someone behind a stone door, and when you are under a boat, you can also kill the ones inside.
  4. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    This has been fixed in one of the recent hotfixes by devs - Thread locked
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