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Slow down, then computer crash? (Linux)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by tywuzhere, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. tywuzhere

    tywuzhere Shipwright

    Hey, I just installed KAG on my laptop Saturday. My laptop is currently running Crunchbang Linux (#!). The OS takes up maybe 1 percent of my CPU when idle, and about 5% under a lot of application stress. So, it certainly is able to handle most things.
    Anyway, I installed KAG for linux, unzipped the file, and it runs totally fine right out of the box. It worked like a breeze when I was playing the intro tutorial (basics/building.)
    However, as soon as I entered online mode, it started to get all jittery, the audio was very glitched, and then my computer completely died, shutting off without a dialog or anything.
    I thought it was odd, so I tried it again without any applications running in the background.
    The same thing happened again.
    The odd thing is, it runs just fine whenever I'm in build mode. However, as soon as battle mode initializes, the thing completely dies almost instantaneously.
    My computer is not top-notch. however, it can easily run the likes of Terraria, Morrowind, all the old Age of Empires games, Starcraft, and even Age of Empires III... So, do you think it's something with my computer? I have 3 GB of RAM and a 2.4 GHz processor... So I can't figure out what the deal is.

    Thanks for any help.
  2. tywuzhere

    tywuzhere Shipwright

    Lol wow... so many posts on here. Ah well, I guess I'll just have to figure it out myself. I might try different CPU scaling or something.
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Try updating your GPU and CPU drivers. We're using openGL for rendering which is hardware accelerated where possible -> handled by your graphics card where possible -> if you're using old drivers things might go astray.

    If you could run it in a window, with a console running top (or if you've got a more in-depth system monitor, that) going beside it and see what peaks (CPU, RAM usage, neither, both). Logs (found in KAG/Logs afaik) would also probably be useful, pastebin them please.