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Sneaky's 24/7 FullCTF

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by sneakyness, Aug 6, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. sneakyness

    sneakyness Real Talk Donator

    General Info

    Players: 64 slots​
    Global Mods: Allowed​
    Units Number: Limited​
    Current location: Freemont, CA/USA (running on a 512mb Linode)​
    Current gamemode: Should be stuck at Night Time, FullCTF.​
    Mods: None, currently​

    Additional Information

    You can contact me at any time on Quakenet, my username is Sneakyness. I'm also available via twitter @Sneakyness, or email sneakyness@sneakyness.com.​

    Please, do not hesitate to request changes or let me know if I am doing something wrong.​
    I do both graphic design and development, I plan on heavily modding things in the near future. If you are looking to collaborate please contact me using the above information.​

    DrFrink is currently the only other admin. If I'm not around, get a hold of him. I'm looking for more willing and experienced admins, preferably admins of servers I already enjoy playing on.​

    This server is completely free! I am not accepting donations, however, if you would like to have your own managed KAG2D server instance ran and managed by me, please get in touch and we will talk about pricing.​
    RobertStephenson and frink like this.
  2. superdigger26

    superdigger26 Catapult Fodder

    remember you said i could be admin well i think i would be great at it and love the game await to hear from you
Mods: jackitch