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Solo play?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by SickBoy, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. SickBoy

    SickBoy Shipwright

    Stupid question most likely (tried searching and blind browsing), but can you actually play a normal round solo with bots? I bought the game without trying it first, so I stupidly assumed the characters in the videos without names were AI and the game could therefore be played single player and that the multiplayer aspect was a mix of players and AI. Again, stupid, I know. I'm normally good about this stuff, but it was an impulse buy :P

    The odd part is that while messing with solo I did have a few "henry" spawns one time, but they just sat there. I've since assumed their spawning was a bug.

    Regardless, the game is pretty neat. Definitely not what I was expecting, obviously, but no regrets.
  2. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    They are working on a zombie mode that could be made solo... :l
  3. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Atm you could try this:
    Valkyrie and Fellere825 like this.
  4. SickBoy

    SickBoy Shipwright

    Gee, hadn't thought of that :rollseyes: That's what I'm talking about illu, which is why I'm saying "solo" instead of something more generic like "single player". You'll notice that when you go into that mode it doesn't do shit. You can't even change class. Hence why I'm asking the question to see if I'm missing something.

    Glad you could be so seemingly dickish about it though (maybe I'm just reading your "reply" wrong). That's always helpful. Seems pretty obvious to me that I'm talking about that specific mode when I say things like "while messing with solo". Who would ever talk like that unless they were referring to something specifically named "solo"?

    @Rainbow: Thanks. I'll have to keep an eye out for that.