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[Solved] Server lives.

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by InFerNos1, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. InFerNos1

    InFerNos1 Shipwright

    How do I add lives to my server?
    I start the server, and there is only 6 lives per team. I have searched the forums, YouTube, and the dedicated_autoconfig.gm

    Can anybody help?
  2. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    Base -> Rules -> CTF -> Team1.cfg & Team2.cfg ;

    Edit the unit_count to your desired number.
    That number will multiply with the amount of players in the team = How many units they will have.
    Noburu and trelawney like this.
  3. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Assuming you are using the CTF gamemode

    open your Base/Rules/CTF folder

    In there look for team1.cfg and team2.cfg
    The line should be obvious, it's the one for lives. -1 is unlimited (DESPITE WHAT IT SAYS ABOUT 0 BEING UNLIMITED)
    0 is 1 life per person (Basically no respawn at all), every number after 0 is how many reserve lives you get per person, example:
    0 : You get only the life you started with, no respawn.
    1: You get the life you started with + 1 unit for every person on the server (it counts both teams, not just yours, everyone on the server at match start.
    2: You get the life you started with + 2 units for every person on the server.

    If there are 6 people on the server (3v3)
    0: 0 units, you die you are dead, that's it. Only the life you start with.
    1: 6 units (Not counting the life you start with)
    2: 12 units (Not counting the life you start with)