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Some Bugs

Discussion in 'General Help' started by DutchKazuya, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. DutchKazuya

    DutchKazuya Shipwright

    I'm not sure if this is the right place but this seems the best place as there is no ''Bugs'' sub-forum.
    If this is the wrong place I apoligize for wasting your time in moving this as I couldn't see an obvious sub-forum within 5 times going through the whole list of subforums.

    First of:
    During the 5 minute time before battle you can have 252 stone, if you get 2 more (not sure what happens at 253) it gets reset to 0.

    If you press the button to change what block you want to build as a builder the only blocks visible are the ones you can build - or repair.
    And in the last case that's a problem, repairing something costs half the normal costs, so a stone wall costs 5 stone to repair, however, with 5 stone you can't repair because you don't have 10+ so you can't build stone walls.
    Please fix this because I find it annoying to walk to the other side of my base to get 4 stone just to walk back and repair because 6 stone isn't 10 stone and therefore isn't enough to pay for a 5 stone repair.
    (In short I need 10 stone so I can spend 5 stone on repair which makes no sense as I have enough stone to repair even when I have 9 stone).

    Third (probably intended but just to make sure):
    A spike can hold up a spike which holds up a castle.
    This sounds pretty weird so here is an in depth explanation:
    So we were winning the round (we had dozens of lifes left, we had their flag and they had no lifes left and less than half their team remaining) which made me think: ''Why not spend this last minute bringing an enemy castle down just in case''.
    I brought down first the ground level being workshops and background wall just to find out there was natural background wall (the dirt bg wall) so I destroyed the layers above until the building was floating 2 blocks in mid air.

    On the left was a spike trap, a stone wall with spikes on it and another one beside it which had the same so it was WSSW where W is wall and S is spike, most of it was torn down and there were only like 3 spikes remaining and 80% of the right half was gone, so I decided to bring down the spikes to prevent rushing team mates from losing hearts.
    I realised that as I was about do destroy the spike it was the only block connecting the floating castle to the ground, I thought that couldn't be the case but as I destroyed the spike the castle came crashing down.

    So to recap: There was a WSSW trap as explained above, but the right W was also the left W of a castle which I made floating by removing the bottom floor.
    This resulted into the spike in the trap to holding the whole castle up.
    So appartenly a stone wall was holding up a spike which holding up another spike which holded up a 20x20 (now floating) castle (estimate, probably smaller).

    4th Glitch (probably intentional but once again just in case):

    Gold (the block which builders build) is invinsible on the minimap (or at least it was few builds ago, not sure now).
    I found it when I played a server where there was more gold then dirt, wood or stone alltogether, I was building a skybridge out of gold, it was about a 100 blocks wide (''I build a 100 block wide bridge out of gold blocks'' would be a nice story for a random game) but it couldn't be seen on the minimap, it was like or OP on the bridge and us were floating in mid-air.
  2. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah , don't forget the blocks bug and the stuck in blocks bug
  3. DutchKazuya

    DutchKazuya Shipwright

    Which block bugs? (Encountered too many)
    I didn't include block bugs because I don't know what the cause of the glitch is or to replicate it (If I can't get the glitch again I can't get info about it).
    Added a 4th glitch (not THE fourth glitch I was thinking of, I think that glitch was one of the first, I found the glitches a week ago but forgot to post so I'm not too sure how many I found or which)
  4. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    Ok Nvm then , I guess i will find out the cause of it thanks anyway

    ~ EdgeWing ~
  5. DutchKazuya

    DutchKazuya Shipwright

    I don't really like adding things like: there is a block bug which makes you stuck, it happens randomly for no apparent reason and then expect the developers to find how it happened, why it happened and solve it based on my vague explenation.
    If I was sure of my case I'd have it posted along side the other glitches.