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Some skin questions.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by goodyman8, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    I BARELY have any experience in modding and or spriting but thought it might be a bit of fun to contribute to one of my favorite games.
    as a begin i wanted to make a stormcloak skin for the blue team, but there was this question what got stuck in my head.
    i want to use a 'mace' sprite at a full bash,as itd make more sense of that blunt type of weapon break trough the defence instead of a sharp type one,and a gladius/dagger like one for the quick stab.
    would that be possible?
    and is there anything else then renaming required for it to function?
    could i also possibly modify the sprites of hats to make it look like a part of the texture pack?
    and,are there any places i can find some 101 details about spriting,i cant seem to get lightning good.
    and i want to make sure the people see that 'cape like' thing waving when they walk.
    thanks in advance.
    how can i use my own skins in game?
    EDIT: edited some questions <_<
  2. Just replace original sprites with yours.
  3. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    i tried but it gave me an error when i tried to use an activity that has knights in it.
  4. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    i find the lack of answers rather disturbing,considering other types get more attention :l
  5. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Most of those things are possible really, if you want a mace instead of the sword simply replace the sword with your mace same goes for any other things you might want to replace because it is just the image you are changing and nothing else. Ive used mods with light sabers and guns with bayonets and worked good with kag's atmosphere.

    To use your own mods go to the kag folder, then base>sprites then you can use those character sheets to make your own sprites then replace the old ones with yours.

    You can get ideas from herehttp://kagforum.com/index.php?forums/textures/ and also post your's for feedback or whatever else you seek.