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Someone keeps trying to get me kicked from my favorite server.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xWarri0r, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. xWarri0r

    xWarri0r Catapult Fodder

    Hi all,

    I have an annoying troll problem. I play on this server called "Shiprekt + Mod /w Ship Ownership!". The server isn't 24/7 but usually is up I believe. Anyways, I was killing an enemy ship and the guy started raging that I killed him (which is the point of the game mode), and started spamming that I'm a griefer and I griefed him. He spams the vote-kick button when I try to rejoin and I keep getting kick-banned.

    What do I do to prevent false awareness like this? The troll had "fallout" in his name.

  2. When the vote-kick starts just type something like:

    "Why are you kicking me?"
    "Explain how I griefed pls."
    "He's kicking me because I killed him."

    Hopefully people will see and kick him instead. Although I'm sure next time you go on that server he won't be there.
  3. There's really nothing you can do to prevent this - some players are bad sports and will try to votekick someone they disagree with. If possible, you need to contact these server's admins and tell them about it - get the player abusing votekick to be put in a seclev that removes votekick rights.
  4. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

    If only there were competent moderators on that server who enjoyed banning the shit out of trouble-making jerkwads

    (rip in piss Action Classic Server)