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Windows Sometimes the server crashes at certain point

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by anarchy54, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. anarchy54

    anarchy54 Catapult Fodder

    When i got this warning message, all players have kicked. No idea why

    # OS
    Windows 7 Ultimate K (Korea)

    # Server Specs
    Processor: 1 * AMD Neo 1.3gHz
    Processor cores available: 2 cores
    Memory: 8 Gb
    Network controller: 1GbE NC107i 1 Port
    Storage: 1 * 64 Gb SSD

    # Router Spec
    CPU: 384MHz MIPS 32bit
    ** This router can't support ipv6
    ** 50301(tcp/udp) port was foward to my server

    # autoconfig.cfg
    sv_gamemode = Zombies_v1.05
    sv_mapcycle =
    sv_gravity = 9.81
    sv_canpause = 1
    sv_test = 0
    sv_restart_on_update = 1
    v_showminimap = 1
    security_whitelist_active = 0
    security_whitelist = ../Security/whitelist.cfg
    security_blacklist = ../Security/blacklist.cfg
    security_ignorelist = ../Security/ignorelist.cfg
    security_seclevs = ../Security/seclevs.cfg
    sv_maxplayers = 8
    sv_enable_joinfull = 1
    sv_reservedslots = 0
    sv_ip = 0
    sv_ipv6 = 0
    sv_register = 1
    sv_preferAF = 0
    sv_enableIPv6 = 1
    sv_port = 50301
    cl_port = 50328
    sv_password =
    sv_rconpassword =
    disable_seclevoutput = 1
    sv_allow_globals_mods = 1
    sv_compression = 1
    sv_maxping = 450
    sv_maxping_warnings = 600
    sv_maxhack_warnings = 25
    sv_name = MYSERVERNAME
    sv_info =
    sv_global_bans = 0
    u_shownames = 0
    sv_tcpr = 0
  2. Nivlac_13

    Nivlac_13 Shopkeep Stealer

    Turn it off and on again? In other words has this happened more than once or twice?
  3. anarchy54

    anarchy54 Catapult Fodder

    No.. Server did not turn off. But this happened still occurs. all player kicked.