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spazzy game

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Valibuk15, Nov 10, 2011.

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  1. Valibuk15

    Valibuk15 Shipwright

    every time i try to play the game, windows explorer just spazzes the hell out and shows a blank screen.
    what might be the problem?
  2. Asterix

    Asterix Shopkeep Stealer

    maybe try updating your graphics driver?
  3. Valibuk15

    Valibuk15 Shipwright

    well i dont think thats the problem, i think its because internet explorer keeps trying to open it.
    every time i do try to open anything with IE, it will just spazz out
    trelawney likes this.
  4. Asterix

    Asterix Shopkeep Stealer

    hangon what? so Internet explorer tries to open everytime you play the game? you cant actually play the game in internet explorer, you have to download it and play it
    Noburu likes this.
  5. Valibuk15

    Valibuk15 Shipwright

    its not a problem now, i just had to open the archives with 7-zip and the setup program was there
    Asterix likes this.
  6. Asterix

    Asterix Shopkeep Stealer

    Hahahaha okay, yeah I was wondering what was going on, I was like 'why the fuck is internet explorer opening the game...' yeah you just needed to download it, unzip it of course and run the setup!
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