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Special characters display gibberish on chat

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Krono, May 17, 2013.

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  1. Krono

    Krono Drill Rusher

    Category: KAG Server
    Operating system: Windows XP Professional SP3
    Build number: 753

    Any sentence you type that includes a word with either of the following characters:

    - ñ
    - á
    - é
    - í
    - ó
    - ú
    - ¿

    ... is cut off starting from said character. It will either not display anything, display a single random character, or print out incoherent gibberish. This might also comprehend more special characters, though I have yet to test those.

    The following was discovered on Beo's servers, which I assume have a German regional setting that might be what is preventing them to properly display. Testing these characters locally on the Sandbox they display correctly, since my regional setting is latinoamerican. I am unsure how these display on a NA server, as there was none available at the time this post was made.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1.- Join Beo's server (or any that don't have what I assume is a non-spanish system global Regional Setting).
    2.- Type in a random sentence that includes a word that includes these characters (for example "Mañana", "Pájaro", "México", "Límite", "Definición", "Úrsula").


    2013-05-16_00011.jpg 2013-05-16_00012.jpg 2013-05-16_00014.jpg 2013-05-16_00015.jpg
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    reported by testers :)
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