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Spike drop/boulder suggestion thing.

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Didgedy, Jul 25, 2018.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Didgedy

    Didgedy Arsonist

    Right, so spike drops kinda don't make that much sense. You throw bits of sharp metal that penetrate all those metal clad knights.
    Personally, I don't like them because they are dropped much too fast to react to in most situations I encounter, and that they are really not very noticeable for the danger they pose.

    Boulders, on the other hand, cost more stone, are heavy, and you need to make them at a special shop to make, so nobody uses them unless you want to launch a buggy stone with a catapult to smash through a flat stone surface.

    BUT, what if we do this?
    You could no longer place spikes mid-air. Instead you can place boulders straight from your inventory, same size as a single block (so you can throw them through gaps), for the cost of 30 stone, which is a standard single resupply/same cost as a spike.

    A boulder would have low base damage, but deal 1/4 extra heart of damage for each block traveled, about as fast as a falling catapult stone is now, it could not be picked up by anyone, it will crumble when it either stops moving or hits an enemy, and if it hits a shielding knight, it would either only stun him (same as a water arrow), or stagger + deal half of intended damage.

    I know that the ''Hardcore veteran builders'' of KAG would dislike this change because they could no longer pwn knights 1 on 1, as if they were some sort of elderly housewives, but do pro builders really need to be able to kill knights in 1 second just because they're so pro and awesome and everyone wants their babies?
  2. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester
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    Sounds like someone has had a bad time with spikes recently.
    Didgedy likes this.
Mods: Rainbows