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Sprite offset?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by BlueLuigi, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I am curious, I know that you can set the sprite size for both heads and bodies per class, but can you set an offset? Is it a hidden variable not shown or simply no such variable?
    I am referring to the files such as knight.cfg

    Posted here, cause it is related to servers/gamemodes and have no idea where else to post it :p

    If it is not a thing, can it be a thing? I imagine this is very hella simple to add,like hella simple, so yeah, would be coool dude.

    (Of course I say this because it would at least be a very simple and elegant solution that is very easy to implement for us to have multiple sprites in a single spritesheet since we cannot currently add new files.)
    I was contemplating it yesterday but couldn't get it to work. If of course it can't be a thing I'll just have to try using old unused files that are still on the 'allowed' list. :S