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starsoccer9's Big Server

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by starsoccer9, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    I just created my first server and I want to see how much it can take so everyday I am gonna increase the max players untill it crashs. I am starting at 16 and today is day1. Tommarow I will increase it to 20 and so on. Please join my server so I can really test its capabilities Thanks.

    Also If you have any suggestions on how to make it better please tell me.

    EDIT:Ok I changed my mind I bumped it up to 200 so i need 200 people to go on
  2. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    Hello starsoccer9,

    I've been hosting two variants of my server recently, 64 and 128 players. The highest player count I've achieved was 60 (might've been 64 during my absence)

    Afterwards I've set the player limit to 50, because:

    1. Server's resource usage (up to 80% of one processor core -- tested on a Intel Core i7)
    2. Player crashes (I've crashed numerous times)
    3. Server going nuts sometimes for strange reasons

    I strongly advise you to reconsider hosting for such great number of players, at least not at this moment.
  3. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yeah the game really can't handle much more than 50 folks at once.
  4. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Make 2-3 servers than 1 giant server.
    Making 2-3 servers in some regions(USA,Germany(and maybe England, Poland?) to make your servers popular.
    Also one giant server will lag alot and crash.

    But choice is yours.
  5. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer


    Yes, it is a very good idea at least for the time being, figured out the hard way, hehe.

    If anyone is ever able to set up a connected server network, I can host the Europe part.
  6. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Server will fall at 140 players(if dedicated).
  7. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    Server Crashed at 30 people not good.

    Edit:It was lagging atnd then it didnt really crash it simply kicked everyone outta the game exepct me. But it said the server was still live. Weird right.
  8. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer


    My server has survived it's first night, hasn't died -- success. (limit is 50 now FYI... not gonna change my mind at this point)
  9. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    Yeah I am still kinda pissed my server disconnected everyone but me at 30. After the rewrite and when more people start playing Ill host my server again. Right now it really isnt worth it since there is usally only 50-100 people on at any given momment. and there are always 20 servers free
  10. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    I have around 45 players on my server right now. CPU usage is 40% of a i7 core, this is very disappointing, I will continue to host it for a little while longer however. If it doesn't change, I'll just shut it down and wait for a better server build to come out.
  11. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    thats what I am waiting for a more stable server. so I can host it and have alot of people on it with out it diconnecting everyone randomly