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Windows Steam Link Issues

Discussion in 'Archive' started by craptastic, Dec 29, 2014.

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  1. craptastic

    craptastic Catapult Fodder

    I've been playing this game for a while. I just played it yesterday, and today when I tried to play it didn't recognize my steam account. I keeps trying to tell me this is the first time I've launched. I rebooted my computer and even did a clean re-install of KAG, but it still dosen't recognize me. I finally made a new account via the website and tried to link it to steam.
    I can now see the servers, but trying to times out on getNewSteamToken() or something like that, claiming that the authentication server couldn't be reached or that I should check my internet connection. My original login was auto generated by steam when I clicked "I'm New" so I have no way to recover it.
    What do I do?

    I found a thread in the help section about steam issues. Having my accounts merged there, I hope this will resolve the problem that caused me to create 2 accounts in the first place.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  2. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Yeah there were problems with the API yesterday with steam. (Or something like that) It should be fixed now.
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