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Strange Problem

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Noc, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Noc

    Noc Guest

    Whenever I try to long in it fails because of an internal server error. (Master authentication failed: Internal server error.) This was me and my brother's most-played game right now so it's pretty important. I've re-installed it 3 times, and then the message began showing up on the test version. (Yes I uninstalled BOTH versions before re-installation)

    EDIT: This is not due to the master server going down)
  2. MoonBeans

    MoonBeans Guest

    I'm having the same problem. It says "Internal Server Error" or it just crashes when I log in.
  3. The product is an early phase testing. Can you get in at all? I sometimes get errors and then eventually get in. Perhaps trying a different account? You never know what variable is causing issue.
  4. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    If it says internal server error, guess what? Look at the (approx.) 3 other threads complaining about the same thing, it's the servers that are down.
  5. Noc

    Noc Guest

    Nonono, this has been going on for weeks. I have tried a different account, and a different version. I realize the servers go down occasionally, but I check (approx.) 3 times aday for (approx.) 2 weeks. Ive ran it as an admin, switched accounts, re-installed each version separately, and contacted others.
  6. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    Disable your firewall and try.

    If you have a router, forward the needed ports.
  7. Noc

    Noc Guest

    I did this and re installed, and now I successfully connect! No servers are showing, and I can't connect directly, but I hope that's a server glitch.

    On a side note, when I re installed the game, it looks allot like the test build. But it isn't KAG_test.
  8. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Updated. (Sorry for one word but ya'know)
  9. Noc

    Noc Guest

    Servers still won't show up...
  10. Noc

    Noc Guest

    I can't believe it. The error is back, and I can't stand it. I couldn't even get a single game going. I used to play this 6 hours a day.
  11. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Noc, I'll try to fix it for you.
    EDIT, try if it works for you. If not then contact me on IRC.
  12. Noc

    Noc Guest

    bump, I can't believe it.
  13. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    It's happening all the time and you're not able to log into game? Or are you whining on occasional server's malfunctions?
  14. Noc

    Noc Guest

    All the time. I check often.
  15. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    So you haven't played due to that problem for last few days, right? If yes then I'll try to fix it once again or forward it to someone who can do it for sure.
  16. Noc

    Noc Guest

    The last few weeks.
  17. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    You know how to get to IRC? So we could chat there freely? If yes then join #kag at quakenet and highlight me there.
    If not then follow this link. Just fill your nick and connect.
  18. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Are you around? Forums says you are. Come back to IRC.
    If you won't come in five minutes, I'm going to sleep cause I'm tired. We'll sort it out tomorrow.
  19. Noc

    Noc Guest

    I figured out the problem. I can't personally fix it though. Furai, Ill need your help.