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Sumo: Fat Men Fall Hard

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by Marcoroni, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. Marcoroni

    Marcoroni Builder Stabber

    A knight-only RTDM-style game with 1 minute rounds, high knockback, and very high fall damage.
    Health is set high so that you have to push your opponents off map edges (shieldbash is enabled), slam them into walls at high speeds (wall hit damage is enabled as well), or squash them with your prodigious weight. All players start off with 1 bomb and most maps have collapsible features.

    Basically, this mode is as fast-paced as you can get and will keep anyone with a sense of humor laughing. In any given round you can count on seeing knights being launched around the map like ping-pong balls, falling to their doom or landing safely on some unfortunate knight's head.
    Most maps play similar to the Super Smash Brothers series, but I also like to throw an occasional short parkour or collapsing map into the mix.

    This is a non-gold game mode. It's been designed around small servers (I host with a 6 player cap), but it should work just fine with large amounts of players, albeit with bigger maps. This has been in play for several months now in my server and I'd love to see it hosted somewhere that doesn't lag like my server does!

    Anyone who wants to give it a spin, check it out at The Bagel Mansion ( Note that this server sometimes hosts other game modes, current game mode is shown in brackets after the server name.

    UPDATE: This works with 20+ players quite well. Somehow.

    Now with YouTube videos!
    LolFox24: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpUqeLWdbz4
    RoflCopterSquad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn2qGe0Vv6w


    Attached Files:

    Aegis, I3lue, Livesparkk and 15 others like this.
  2. Shadza

    Shadza Knightmare Donator

    You should use better hosting. It`s to lagged.
    Agnar and Anded like this.
  3. Marcoroni

    Marcoroni Builder Stabber

    Yeah... my 'hosting' is my computer. The same one that I play on. But let it be known, that this game mode can be successfully (and popularly... maybe those are the same thing) hosted from your home PC. Withdraw Potion.

    Anyway, my host sure sucks, and as I said before, I hope a good host picks this mode up. Because it's gold I tell ya! There's gold in dem dere hills!
    BeasterDenBeast likes this.
  4. Shadza

    Shadza Knightmare Donator

    Use german hosting it might help.
  5. Marcoroni

    Marcoroni Builder Stabber

    No. As I do not live in Germany and neither do most of my constituency.
  6. Learn to goddamn read.
    Noburu likes this.
  7. nickingliss

    nickingliss Builder Stabber

  8. Chidori

    Chidori Naruto ナルト Donator

    nice server makes me laugh everytime
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
  9. Marcoroni

    Marcoroni Builder Stabber

    Thanks for the compliment! That would be more than okay with me; the more sumo servers there are, the cooler I look. :P
  10. Chidori

    Chidori Naruto ナルト Donator

    </br>--- merged: Apr 6, 2013 8:02 AM ---</br>
    </br>--- merged: Apr 6, 2013 8:26 AM ---</br>

    //I'm assuming that you aren't aware of this, so I'll give you a freebie.
    Can you see that little button titled 'Edit' below your post? You didn't use it when replying directly after your other posts, so any users that follow this thread may have received multiple alerts that you have replied. Please don't double-post, it creates spam alerts. If you use the 'Edit' button though, it doesn't spam alerts for the rest of us.

    :heart: jackitch
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
  11. nickingliss

    nickingliss Builder Stabber

    *cough*gamemode stealer *cough*
    rocker2 likes this.
  12. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    How is he stealing the game mode? He asked for permission.
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  13. nickingliss

    nickingliss Builder Stabber

    I Was jk
  14. Marcoroni

    Marcoroni Builder Stabber

    Just for clarification, no permission of any kind is needed to use or modify Sumo. I'd hate to see permissions drama pop up in KAG.
    notdavy, ParaLogia and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  15. LaughoutXD

    LaughoutXD Catapult Fodder

    It is really a great server!
    Can you decipher this letter is Hangul?
  16. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Yes, yes I can LaughoutXD. Please don't post in languages other than English in the English speaking sections of this forum, unless you provide a translation with it.

    On a side not, this is an absolutely goddamn fantastic server, and I spend a lot of my time on it. It's so simple, yet so beautiful.
  17. Your mode is very fun and make me lough when i kill someone. Well done
    Chidori and Agnar like this.
  18. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Hey. My name is Eric, or Duplolas in-game, I have a complaint about one of your admins. His name was Cerberaus or something.

    Basically my friend had just started playing KAG. He had been playing for about a hour or so before joining the server. We played on the Sumo server for about a half hour before this admin permed him from the servers for apparently team killing. He said he had destoryed a platform on purpose and had killed his teammates, when he hadnt.

    I was on the same team as him at the time, we both were destroying a platform block. As about 3 enemies advanced towards us, he ran away while I destroyed the block, killing all 3 of them, and none of my team. The admin then asked who had destroyed the block and he has said "I did :D" The admin then said, "thanks for providing me with an excuse to ban you." Then proceeded to perm him. Afterwards he proceeded to insult him.

    I then talked to the admin, asking him why he had banned him to find that it was for the reason I stated above. Stating that he did not 1. Destroy the block and 2. Didnt kill any teammates. During this time he told me to stop trying to stick up for my butt buddy. He proceeded onto threatening me with a perm, but said that "he was feeling nice today."

    Well if he was "feeling nice today" and permed someone who did not deserve it and then insult a friend of his then I would hate to see him on a bad day. This kind of behavior is extremely inappropriate for an admin.

    After this I asked him for a link to a forum for me to post in. He said "Gladly :D" thus trying to be more annoying. He only provided me with a link to the kag2d home page and so I had to spend a good 20 minutes or so trying to find this myself. After he provided me with the link to the home page, I asked if he had a clan forum. He responded by saying that the server was run by a group of good and trusted friends. Essentially stating that no matter what I did, he would get away with it.

    So here I am now making this post.

    I would also just like to say I have played on this server for quite a few months. Basically throughout half my entire school year. I brought about 8 or so players easily to play on your server during the week when no one was on every other day. I myself have played more on sumo than on any other server, and I have played a lot of KAG.

    But if this is the way your server's admins treat its players, with this amount of disrespect, I really don't want to play on the server any more. And I also don't think any of my friends would either.

    Thanks for reading this. Hopefully something can be done about this admin. I myself am a Mod for Drunkenbombers. A TF2 community. I also was a division leader for XenpGamers, a much much larger clan. Division leader being a rank that gives you control over 5+ admins and 20+ mods. Though I left the clan, and my rank, as the community started promoting people such as this admin into its ranks.

    My friend's name was Tacosheller.

    If you want to get in contact with me privately use my secondary email xxnerdragexx@yahoo.com

    Thank you for your time.
  19. Marcoroni

    Marcoroni Builder Stabber

    Thanks everyone for the kind words about the game mode! I think "this is an absolutely goddamn fantastic server" is the best review I could hope for, haha.

    Duplolas, we just talked in the server, but I'd like to respond here anyway. I have no way to see what actually happened and I would hate to think that one of the people I trusted would behave like that, but it doesn't seem to me like you're making it up. I stress to all of my admins that admin powers are to be used only when completely necessary, permanent bans especially are supposed to be kept for confirmed cheaters only. As far as the admins being a group of friends and thus being immune to negative consequences, that is absolutely untrue and based on what I find out about this, the admin in question might find that out the hard way.

    This is exactly the sort of admin behavior that I hate and won't tolerate in my server. I'm sorry that you and your friend went through that, and hope that this won't paint us all in a bad light. Your friend has been unbanned; I just wish I had seen this sooner. I'm going to talk to this admin and try to sort this all out, I'll let you know what happens.
    Duplolas likes this.
  20. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Thank you very much. :D