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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by larsalon, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. larsalon

    larsalon Builder Stabber

    Server: [Modern Zone] <Sandbox>

    Time: twenty eigth of august, around 3 'o clock CET

    shown in picture below, had multiple confessions. rainbows has seen it. ask him if neccesairy.
    tatarak hacker.JPG
    Reason: speedhacking

    Comments: has been speedhacking on multiple servers, on kag beta, used it to his advantage and like i said before, he confessed it too.
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Sorry but in the video I cannot see his nametag. If you have any evidence with him cheating + clearly visible nametag - I'll be more than pleased to ban this scum.
  3. larsalon

    larsalon Builder Stabber

    Ask rainbows, he saw a confesion of tatarak, in which he said he already deinstalled his hack. though im not sure if it will make any change. anyway, ill keep an eye on him!