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[TDM] Balls of Steel

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Wonka, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    This map I also made for Shadlington's server Rapid Deathmatch!
    It is called Balls of Steel because we all love Duke Nukem? ;)
    The basic fighting-area is the middle of the map where you can get by using the catapult (charge at least 3 and not more then half!), bombjumping or walking. It's big enough for many player.

    Just tell me what you think about it, thanks!


    Edit: Download (with less ladders)
    BlueLuigi and Monsteri like this.
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    My only complaint is that moving in the ball is soo slow.
    Maybe you could make 1-block gaps bteween the ladders?
  3. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    hello wonka ive played your maps and i must say you are a great mapper hope to see you on the server
  4. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    Thank you, there is a great possibility that we'll meet sometimes because Rapid Deathmatch is great and I'm often on it.
  5. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    Yeah but the problem is that those people who always cut the ladders, so that noone can get up, would have it much easier.
    But it's also better to move fast.

    So did you mean something like this:


    Maybe we should try it sometimes at the server. I'll add an extra download link to the thread-top.
  6. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Ye, that. We'll see how it plays :)
  7. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    That is good but you should try alternating trap doors works like a bomb for speed