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Windows Team Unit Count Problem (CTF)

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by XRiZUX, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Catapult Fodder

    This is what I do, it has worked before, and it's no longer working:

    team1.cfg (Change unit_count = *number*)
    team2.cfg (Change unit_count = *number*)

    So, I have tried to change the number, in both files the numbers are the same. But in the server it will no longer change according to what I typed in and saved it as.

    If anyone could help me with this problem, that would be wonderful, thanks for reading. :gear:


    I used this as reference: https://wiki.kag2d.com/wiki/Team_configs
    But right now, it's just not reading the files for some reason, and I was hoping someone knows how to fix that.


    Never mind, found the problem, I had mixed up the files for some reason. If anyone else has this problem, please check if you have mixed up the FullCTF with the regular CTF files, that was my problem. What happens then is that it will read from the FullCTF instead of the CTF folder, so you should probably look for that.

    You can lock the thread now if you want, there is not much else to say to help this matter. *Resolved*