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Text bubble On/Off option

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Takain, Jul 18, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Takain

    Takain Ballista Bolt Thrower

  2. Fufob87

    Fufob87 Catapult Fodder

    thats a good idea. especially for those people that always spam ::P:
  3. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    If only there was a ignore option.
    TeQaS, Klokinator, Chukka and 3 others like this.
  4. I'll make a full tutorial on how to ignore
  5. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    Why struggle, when we can have text bubble on/off option?
  6. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Oh, God yes! Some people just love to write an essay and I can't fucking see where I'm going and it is really frustrating.
  7. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    Longer messages don't get bubbles....
  8. Neither do one-word messages. This would be a cool addition but it's not necessary when you can ignore annoying people and kick spammy ones.
  9. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    I don't want to ignore anyone, much less kick them for talking, I just don't want a pointless obnoxious bubble in my face. I'm surprised anyone would defend this.
  10. I find it annoying at times too but I won't be upset if it isn't added.
  11. Takain

    Takain Ballista Bolt Thrower

    well its not like if they gonna spend more than 10 seconds to add this feature.
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  12. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    What's awful is when you're having a tense battle with another knight and this builder guy running underneath you decides to start having a heated debate about the intricacies of Stalin's rule VS Hitler's rule and why he should be allowed to buy a gallon of gas for only a dollar but the american president is a communist and then his text bubble blocks literally half the screen and you can't see the battle at all and you get your ass kicked somehow because the other guy isn't obstructed by the text bubble since your teammate was using TEAM SPEAK and you literally smash your keyboard across your head and slam out in chat "HEY YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOU WANNA TAKE YOUR DISCUSSIONS TO THE FORUMS INSTEAD OF IN THE MIDDLE OF MY FIGHTS HUH?!" and he responds "Lol u mad?"

    Yes. Yes, I mad. If you're gonna block the fucking screen, have the decency to do it publically so both teams are inconvenienced, you wretched unaborted lump of bird shit.
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  13. Takain

    Takain Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Funniest part: People actually do that
    [06:06:22] <MotivationalGiraffe> impeach obamo, the reptilian muslim
    [06:06:32] <MotivationalGiraffe> he's ruining our countree
    [06:08:24] <MotivationalGiraffe> impeach obamo
    [06:12:49] <MotivationalGiraffe> really takain? do you want a reptilian muslim running your country?
    [06:12:59] <MotivationalGiraffe> he's trying to reverse salvery
    [06:13:29] <MotivationalGiraffe> just anuther dumb liberal
    [06:13:43] <MotivationalGiraffe> obamo
    [06:13:45] <MotivationalGiraffe> impeach him
    [06:14:19] <MotivationalGiraffe> obamo is a reptilian
    [07:25:57] <MotivationalGiraffe> impeach obamo
    [07:26:14] <MotivationalGiraffe> obamo the reptilian muslim
    [07:26:48] <MotivationalGiraffe> fuck you takian, obamo will eat you in your sleep\
    [07:30:45] <MotivationalGiraffe> because obamo is a racist
    Anonymuse likes this.
  14. startselect3

    startselect3 Arsonist

    ignoring= <you have muted this person, go to settings to unmute them (or whatever)> x however many times they spam it
  15. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Sure, this can be an option.
  16. Lee_Lemon

    Lee_Lemon Shark Slayer

    They should make more option buttons On/Off, they should focus really on option and graphics in this game. Like dissapear a names of players... don't tell me that there isn't any comand to remove teammates' names and health bars... and looot of things...
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  17. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Wait, why would you want those gone? Telling the difference between a teammate and an enemy tunneling under your base at a glance is a crucial part of the game. The names tell you it's a teammate, and lack of names tells you it's an enemy. And furthermore, a glance at an enemy's HP in the middle of combat can make the split second decision between running away, slashing, stabbing, or giving up because omg why are you fighting yagger seriously?
  18. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Yes, there are a lot of things like these that need adding e.g. emotes, graphical features, always spawn as [archer/builder/knight], and most importantly controls.
  19. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Turning text bubbles off is done in next version.

    (don't tell me that there isn't any comand to remove teammates' names and health bars) - there's a rules variable for this now too.

    (Emote rebinding is also done in next version via a config file - not hardcoding options for it because that's a waste of my time at the moment and it's better to have an example of loading client settings from file)

    Controls are able to rebound in settings.
    Anonymuse, startselect3 and zerd like this.
  20. please make it able to disable chat without disabling entire gui T_T
Mods: Rainbows